For the past few months many interesting happened, either for my liking or not. Many miles I have walk, flews and walk again....but the the motivation is just not with me. Perhaps I leaved it somewhere among my old thing in the closet or it lost its way in following me.
This is not like working or thing you do for your living... if you follow your motivation or mood to go to work, then you end up with nothing on your dinner table. That's what most us do nowadays... correct me if I am wrong.
My blogging is free of charge, I get no monetary return... just as a side distraction from everyday dull life.. I don't know, I just don't get the satisfaction nor the pleasure after completing one or two input. Perhaps I have to fight and educate my motivation... not just simply it govern my mood.
Okay, that's enough... With God will, I will start writing again.. and posting photo.... not for admiration or favorable return, but for me to fight and have control on my motivation....
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