This is a continuum from previous writing.....perhaps too much working with RF path analysis make my brain thinking of weird things...
In Planet of the Apes film, the hero astronout (what his name is....Mark Whalberg) got trapped in time vortex anomaly deep in space, while chasing his estranged space monkey.... they were both riding small capsule spaceship each. Both creatures trapped continously, frozen in time for maybe thousand of years.
Then one day suddenly this guy escape from the anomaly, thrown into orbit and landing on planet quite similar to Earth.. not knowing that he's been away for generation. For him, it's just a few minutes or hours passing by.
As the story told, the research mothership crash landed on the planet thousands years ago due to some problem. The human colony try adapting to new environment, together with their space chimps and apes. As time goes by, these apes began revolting and showing aggressive behaviour toward human, probably due to their intelligence evolution or mankind become more stupid... I agree on the second, as we witness now. The apes lead by Seymour the chimpanzee I think began enslaving the mankind.....
And then this captain came in, held captive, escape and lead mankind to fight for freedom...
That second part of the story probably more toward biology, genetic, pschology, politic or behavioural science... I am more interested in the first part... the physic part.
Theoritically, if you travel fast enough nearing or achieve the speed of light, time slow down and finally standstill for us. One hour or one minute of our time pass by, probably hundreds or thousand of year have gone by. It's like we are trapped and frozen in time, but still living.
Space station cosmonaut, when they come back to earth, their body cell sample was taken and put under microscope, for measuring sign of aging. And it's found out that, they aging was on slower pace than normal human living on earth. The reason is, they are living inside space station which travel very very fast, orbiting the earth almost 16 times a day.
From Physic theory, this is possible,... but in reality, it's impossible, cause no living things can survive travelling to speed of light, even if we have the vehicle manage to do that... our body will just disintegrate... due to mainly our cell was bonded with forces or particles that travel with speed of light... when we reach reach the speed of light, the forces that binded us is no more effective.,.... we just more glue to lock our body together....
On earth, speed also effect our age.... in reverse.....shortening it every time our leg press the gas pedal....or our hand squezzing the throttle... So if you want stay young, or old... go straight for the speed of light, not 180 or 220 km/h.... in space offcourse, where collission possibility is minimal....