Thursday, December 18, 2008

evening cloud formation......

As usual, almost every evening if the weather is permissible,  I would go to this place after sending my son for his evening playground routine...

I am wishing for a beautiful sunset even though the current weather is quite unpredictable... Nevertheless I am not so disappointed... the cloud formation that evening was magnificent...

The sky was quite clear for most of it.... only on the horizon, it's seem to be hazy with dark cloud formation..... that's probably the reason why the price of fishes going up recently... our fishermen reluctant to go the sea due to bad weather in the middle of the sea.. in my case Straits of Malacca....

The sun just vanished away under the curtain of dark hazy cloud on the horizon... if not, it will surely be, a beautiful sunset... like at Bikini Bottom...

1 comment:

Jumper said...

Bikini Bottom? Is thare any other place for real, other than the one where Spongebob lives?